What You Need To Know About Gen Z!

Gen Z* will be 30% of the labor market by 2030.

Here are 5 Factors to consider when looking to connect and attract this group into your labor force, per PBJ article (link to full article and credit below):

1. They are demanding colleges take action on climate change and social justice. Similarly, if a company does not align with their values such and a diverse and inclusive workplace, they will not take the job (or remain there long)

2. They are favorable to unions (for more control over their job and wage transparency)

3. They see the benefit of being in the office at least part-time (partially because they have roommates and want a legit workspace)

4. Remote work is attractive, and they don’t feel the need to live in the same city as their employer

5. They want to purchase a home (though inventory and affordability are major barriers)

If you would like to discuss how to create a strategy to attract and retain quality employees, please reach out to us.

*Gen Z is defined as those born btw 1997-2012

Here is the link to the complete article from Phoenix Business Journal.


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