The Relationship between Diversity and Innovation

Research strongly supports that companies are more innovative when they employ a diverse group of talent. If you were uncertain- here is the proof- from some of the most reputable sources:

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, companies with more diverse teams are:

  • 45% more likely to report that their firm’s market share grew over the previous year and
  • 70% more likely to report that the firm captured a new market.

*Harvard Business Review’s report “The Diversity Bonus: How Great Teams Pay Off in the Knowledge Economy”.

According to McKinsey & Company, companies with more diverse executive teams are:

  • 33% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability.

Additionally, companies with more diverse boards are:

  • 43% more likely to experience higher returns on equity.

*McKinsey & Company’s report “Diversity Matters”.

“According to IBM, companies that focus on gender inclusion and prioritize the advancement of women reap such benefits as:

  • 73% are leaders in their industry in customer satisfaction;
  • 60% report they are more innovative than their competitors,
  • 61% have higher revenue growth than other organizations.”

When employees think their organization is committed to and supportive of diversity, they demonstrate an 83% increase in the ability to innovate.

*IBM’s report “The Business Case for Gender Equality: A Study of Fortune 1000 Companies.

Why you ask??

Diverse people bring diverse thoughts from their diverse lived experiences which leads to:





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